diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2014-10-14 11:49:21 +0300
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2014-10-14 13:47:38 +0300
commitc60e1f248a5b911e502b46420389aad42bb7fac9 (patch)
parent5c006a165577f2fa116c6d1cf3b34d959c01a1a2 (diff)
whoseip: implement cache database
* bootstrap.pl: Look for AutoInstall.pm both in $incdir and in the base directory. * whoseip/Whoseip/DB.pm: New file * whoseip/whoseip.pl: Implement caching * whoseip/Makefile.PL: New file * whoseip/MANIFEST: Update.
6 files changed, 626 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap.pl b/bootstrap.pl
index b9dc20f..b210751 100644
--- a/bootstrap.pl
+++ b/bootstrap.pl
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ my $dir;
if (defined($file)) {
print "$modname installed at $file\n";
if (-f $file) {
- $file =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ $file =~ s#/[^/]+\.pm$##;
if (-d $file) {
$dir = $file;
} else {
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ if (defined($file)) {
$file = "$dir/$incdir/AutoInstall.pm";
+$file = "$dir/AutoInstall.pm" unless (-f $file);
-f $file or die "$file not found";
chdir $topdir or die "Can't change to $topdir: $!";
diff --git a/whoseip/GNUmakefile b/whoseip/GNUmakefile
index 878d763..1b4f6af 100644
--- a/whoseip/GNUmakefile
+++ b/whoseip/GNUmakefile
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ whoseip: whoseip.pl ip_del_list
chmod +x whoseip
dist: whoseip
diff --git a/whoseip/MANIFEST b/whoseip/MANIFEST
index 1e84842..276d654 100644
--- a/whoseip/MANIFEST
+++ b/whoseip/MANIFEST
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ MANIFEST
diff --git a/whoseip/Makefile.PL b/whoseip/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1bb4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/whoseip/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use lib 'inc';
+use ExtUtils::AutoInstall (
+ -core => [
+ 'Getopt::Long' => 2.34,
+ 'IO::Socket' => 1.34,
+ 'Pod::Usage' => 1.51,
+ 'Pod::Man' => 2.25,
+ 'Net::CIDR' => 0.14
+ ]
+ 'NAME' => 'whoseip',
+ 'AUTHOR' => 'Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>',
+ 'ABSTRACT' => 'Identifies IP addresses',
+ 'FIRST_MAKEFILE' => 'Makefile',
+ 'VERSION' => '1.00',
+ 'EXE_FILES' => [ 'whoseip' ],
+ 'PM' => { 'Whoseip/DB.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Whoseip/DB.pm' }
diff --git a/whoseip/Whoseip/DB.pm b/whoseip/Whoseip/DB.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7cba34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/whoseip/Whoseip/DB.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+package Whoseip::DB;
+use strict;
+use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR);
+use Socket qw(inet_ntoa);
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(ipdb_open ipdb_lookup ipdb_insert ipdb_close) ] );
+our @EXPORT_OK = ( qw(ipdb_open ipdb_lookup ipdb_insert ipdb_close) );
+our @EXPORT = qw();
+our $VERSION = "0.1";
+=head1 NAME
+Whoseip::DB - WhoseIP cache database
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use Whoseip::DB;
+use Whoseip::DB qw(:all);
+$dbf = Whoseip::DB::ipdb_open($filename[,
+ pagesize => $psize,
+ cachesize => $csize]);
+$ref = Whoseip::DB::ipdb_lookup($ip);
+print $ref->{country} if defined($ref);
+Whoseip::DB::ipdb_insert($dbf, "", 'US');
+The B<Whoseip::DB> package provides functions for creating and accessing
+a B<whoseip>(1) cache database. This database is analogous to a GeoIP
+database, except that it keeps more information.
+The database is kept in a single file and consists of B<pages> of the
+same size. The file begins with a 512-byte header block of the following
+B<Offset> B<Size> B<Description>
+ 0 8 "WHOSEIP\0"
+ 8 2 major version
+ 10 2 minor version
+ 12 4 page size
+ 16 4 number of allocated pages
+ 20 4 number of entries in root index table
+ 24 488 root index table
+The first three fields serve to identify the file format and its version.
+At the time of this writing, major and minor versions are B<1>.B<0>.
+B<Page size> defines the size of the file page. It defaults to 1280
+Pages are of two types: B<index pages>, that serve to navigate through
+the file, and B<leaf pages>, that keep actual data. The B<root index
+table>, located at the end of the file header keeps offsets of the
+initial index page for IP addresses of different sizes kept in the
+database. Each entry in this table consists of two 32-bit words: the
+first one keeps the length of the IP address in bits (e.g. 32 for IPv4
+and 128 for IPv6), and the second one keeps the offset of the first
+index table for entries of that size. The table can accomodate at most
+122 entries, which is more than enough for the purpose.
+An B<index page> contains a table of offsets of the next page to look up
+(whether index or leaf) and is indexed by the octet value (0 -- 255).
+An extra slot keeps the offset of the leaf page. The overall structure
+of an index page is as follows:
+B<Offset> B<Size> B<Description>
+ 0 4 Index page type: B<1>
+ 4 4 OFF[0]
+ 8 4 OFF[1]
+ . . .
+ . . .
+ . . .
+ 1024 4 OFF[255]
+ 1028 4 OFF[LEAF]
+When looking up for an IP address, index pages are descended starting
+from the root page. The octets of the IP address in host order are
+iterated from left to right. Each subsequent octet is used to select
+offset of the next page from the current index page. If the corresponding
+offset is zero the last entry (B<OFF[LEAF]>) is used. This process stops
+when the B<leaf page> is encountered.
+A B<leaf page> contains a table of B<CIDR>s and their descriptions. Its
+structure is as follows:
+B<Offset> B<Size> B<Description>
+ 0 4 Leaf page type: B<2>
+ 4 4 Number of entries in the table
+ 8 4 Offset of the continuation page (0 if none)
+ 12 4 Entry 0: network address
+ 16 4 Entry 0: network mask
+ 20 4 Entry 0: timestamp
+ 24 2 Entry 0: ISO 3166-1 country code
+ . . .
+ . . .
+ . . .
+ 12+N*14 4 Entry N: network address
+ 16+N*14 4 Entry N: network mask
+ 20+N*14 4 Entry N: timestamp
+ 24+N*14 2 Entry N: ISO 3166-1 country code
+When a leaf page is encountered, the IP address in question is compared
+with each entry in turn using the usual procedure (B<AND>ing with the network
+mask and comparing the result with the network address). Search stops when
+a matching entry is found. Very large tables can span several leaf pages:
+if no entry matches in the current page, the search continues at the
+continuation page whose offset is indicated by the third field. If that
+field is 0, the search returns failure.
+my $dbsign = 'WHOSEIP';
+my $vmajor = 1;
+my $vminor = 0;
+use constant IPDB_PAGE_INDEX => 1;
+use constant IPDB_PAGE_LEAF => 2;
+sub systell { sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR) }
+=head2 B<I<$dbf> = Whoseip::DB::ipdb_open(I<$filename>>[B<,> I<options>]B<);>
+Opens the database file I<$filename> and returns a descriptor to be used for
+searches in that file. I<options> is a hash that can contain the following
+=over 4
+=item B<pagesize>
+Page size for the file. This option is honoured only when creating the
+file. It cannot be less than 1032 bytes. Default is 1280 bytes.
+=item B<cachesize>
+Maximum number of pages to keep in a B<LRU> cache. Defaults to 16.
+sub ipdb_open {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ local %_ = @_;
+ my %ipdbfile;
+ my $fd;
+ if (-e $filename) {
+ my $mode;
+ if (-w $filename) {
+ $ipdbfile{mode} = "+<";
+ } else {
+ $ipdbfile{mode} = "<";
+ }
+ open($fd, $ipdbfile{mode}, $filename)
+ or die "can't open $filename: $!";
+ binmode $fd;
+ die "$filename is not a valid IP cache file"
+ unless sysread($fd, my $s, 512) == 512;
+ my ($sign,$maj,$min,$size,$np,$count,@tab) =
+ unpack('Z8 S S L L L L*', $s);
+ die "$filename is not a valid IP cache file"
+ unless $sign eq $dbsign;
+ die "$filename is of wrong version ($maj.$min, expected $vmajor.$vminor)"
+ unless ($maj == $vmajor and $min == $vminor);
+ die "$filename: page size too small ($size)" if ($size < 1032);
+ $ipdbfile{pagesize} = $size;
+ $ipdbfile{numpages} = $np;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i += 2) {
+ $ipdbfile{rootidx}->{$tab[$i]} = $tab[$i+1];
+ }
+ } else {
+ open($fd, "+>", $filename)
+ or die "can't open $filename: $!";
+ binmode $fd;
+ $ipdbfile{pagesize} = defined($_{pagesize}) ? $_{pagesize} : 1280;
+ $ipdbfile{numpages} = 0;
+ syswrite($fd, pack('Z8 S S L L L @512', $dbsign, $vmajor, $vminor,
+ $ipdbfile{pagesize}, 0, 0));
+ }
+ $ipdbfile{filename} = $filename;
+ $ipdbfile{fd} = $fd;
+ $ipdbfile{maxpagecache} =
+ defined($_{maxpagecache}) ? $_{maxpagecache} : 16;
+ return \%ipdbfile;
+sub ipdb_save_page($$) {
+ my ($dbf, $page) = @_;
+ if (sysseek($dbf->{fd}, $page->{off}, SEEK_SET) != $page->{off}) {
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: can't seek: $!";
+ }
+ my $ret;
+ if ($page->{type} == IPDB_PAGE_INDEX) {
+ $ret = syswrite($dbf->{fd}, pack('LL[257].',
+ $page->{type},
+ @{$page->{tab}},
+ $dbf->{pagesize}),
+ $dbf->{pagesize});
+ } elsif ($page->{type} == IPDB_PAGE_LEAF) {
+ my @a;
+ foreach my $ent (@{$page->{tab}}) {
+ push @a, @{$ent};
+ }
+ $ret = syswrite($dbf->{fd},
+ pack('LLL(LLLa2)*@'."$dbf->{pagesize}", $page->{type},
+ $#{$page->{tab}} + 1,
+ $page->{next},
+ @a));
+ } else {
+ die "BOO!";
+ }
+ die "$dbf->{file}: write error at $page->{off}: $ret: $!"
+ unless ($ret == $dbf->{pagesize});
+ delete $page->{dirty};
+sub ipdb_cache_put($$) {
+ my ($dbf,$page) = @_;
+ if (keys(%{$dbf->{pagecache}}) >= $dbf->{maxpagecache}) {
+ my $prev = $dbf->{pagecache}{lru_oldest}{lru_newer};
+ if ($dbf->{pagecache}{lru_oldest}{dirty}) {
+ ipdb_save_page($dbf, $dbf->{pagecache}{lru_oldest});
+ }
+ delete $dbf->{pagecache}{$dbf->{pagecache}{lru_oldest}{off}};
+ $dbf->{pagecache}{lru_oldest} = $prev;
+ delete $prev->{lru_older};
+ }
+ my $n = $dbf->{pagecache}{lru_newest};
+ if (defined($n)) {
+ $n->{lru_newer} = $page;
+ }
+ $page->{lru_newer} = undef;
+ $page->{lru_older} = $n;
+ $dbf->{pagecache}{lru_newest} = $page;
+ $dbf->{pagecache}{$page->{off}} = $page;
+sub ipdb_cache_get($$) {
+ my ($dbf,$off) = @_;
+ my $page;
+ if (defined($dbf->{pagecache}{$off})) {
+ $page = $dbf->{pagecache}{$off};
+ # promote the page
+ if (defined($page->{lru_older})) {
+ $page->{lru_older}{lru_newer} = $page->{lru_newer};
+ } else {
+ # It was the oldest page
+ $dbf->{pagecache}{lru_oldest} = $page->{lru_newer};
+ }
+ if (defined($page->{lru_newer})) {
+ $page->{lru_newer}{lru_older} = $page->{lru_older};
+ }
+ $dbf->{pagecache}{lru_newest} = $page;
+ } else {
+ $page = ipdb_get_page($dbf, $off);
+ ipdb_cache_put($dbf, $page);
+ }
+ return $page;
+=head2 B<Whoseip::DB::ipdb_close(I<$dbf>);>
+Close the database. I<$dbf> is the handle returned from the
+previous call to B<ipdb_open>.
+sub ipdb_close($) {
+ my $dbf = shift;
+ if ($dbf->{modified}) {
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: can't seek: $!"
+ if (sysseek($dbf->{fd}, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0);
+ my $n = syswrite($dbf->{fd},
+ pack('Z8 S S L L L (LL)* @512',
+ $dbsign, $vmajor, $vminor,
+ $dbf->{pagesize}, $dbf->{numpages},
+ keys(%{$dbf->{rootidx}}),
+ map { $_, $dbf->{rootidx}{$_} }
+ keys %{$dbf->{rootidx}}));
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: write error at header: $n: $!"
+ unless ($n == 512);
+ }
+ while (my ($off, $page) = each %{$dbf->{pagecache}}) {
+ ipdb_save_page($dbf, $page) if $page->{dirty};
+ }
+ close $dbf->{fd};
+sub ipdb_get_page($$) {
+ my ($dbf,$off) = @_;
+ my %ret;
+ if (sysseek($dbf->{fd}, $off, SEEK_SET) != $off) {
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: can't seek: $!";
+ }
+ my $n = sysread($dbf->{fd}, my $s, $dbf->{pagesize});
+ unless (defined($n)) {
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: can't read page: $!";
+ } elsif ($n != $dbf->{pagesize}) {
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: short read ($n < $dbf->{pagesize})";
+ }
+ $ret{type} = unpack('L', $s);
+ $ret{off} = $off;
+ if ($ret{type} == IPDB_PAGE_INDEX) {
+ my ($x, @a) = unpack('LL257', $s);
+ $ret{tab} = \@a;
+ } elsif ($ret{type} == IPDB_PAGE_LEAF) {
+ (my $x, my $nent, $ret{next}, my @a) =
+ unpack('LLL(LLLa2)*', $s);
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $nent; $i += 4) {
+ push @{$ret{tab}}, [ $a[$i], $a[$i+1], $a[$i+2], $a[$i+3] ];
+ }
+# print "$nent\n";
+# print join(', ', @{$ret{tab}})."\n";
+ } else {
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: invalid page type at offset $off";
+ }
+ return \%ret;
+sub ipdb_alloc_page($$) {
+ my ($dbf,$type) = @_;
+ my %page;
+ $page{type} = $type;
+ $page{off} = $dbf->{numpages}++ * $dbf->{pagesize} + 512;
+ if ($type == IPDB_PAGE_INDEX) {
+ $#{$page{tab}} = 256;
+ } else {
+ $page{next} = 0;
+ $#{$page{tab}} = -1;
+ }
+ $page{dirty} = 1;
+ ipdb_cache_put($dbf, \%page);
+ ++$dbf->{modified};
+ return \%page;
+sub ipdb_get_root_page($$) {
+ my ($dbf,$nbits) = @_;
+ my $p;
+ if (!defined($dbf->{rootidx}{$nbits})) {
+ $p = ipdb_alloc_page($dbf, IPDB_PAGE_INDEX);
+ $dbf->{rootidx}{$nbits} = $p->{off};
+ $dbf->{modified}++;
+ } else {
+ $p = ipdb_cache_get($dbf, $dbf->{rootidx}{$nbits});
+ }
+ return $p;
+### FIXME: Declared in whoseip.pl
+my $ipv4rx = '\d{1,3}((\.\d{1,3}){3})';
+=head2 $res = B<Whoseip::DB::ipdb_lookup(I<$dbf>, I<$ip>);>
+Look up IP address I<$ip> in the database identified by I<$dbf> (a handle
+returned by the previous call to B<ipdb_open>. If found, B<$ref> is a
+reference to a hash that contains the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item B<country>
+ISO 3166-1 country code
+=item B<network>
+Network address in a dotted-quad form.
+=item B<netmask>
+Network mask in a dotted-quad form.
+If not found, the function returns B<undef>.
+sub ipdb_lookup($$) {
+ my ($dbf,$ipstr) = @_;
+ my @ipo;
+ my $ipn;
+ my $nbits;
+ if ($ipstr =~ /^$ipv4rx$/) {
+ @ipo = split(/\./, $ipstr);
+ $ipn = ($ipo[0] << 24) + ($ipo[1] << 16) + ($ipo[2] << 8) + $ipo[3];
+ $nbits = 32;
+ } else {
+ # FIXME: diagnostics
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $page = ipdb_get_root_page($dbf, $nbits);
+ my $n = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ if ($page->{type} == IPDB_PAGE_INDEX) {
+ if ($page->{tab}[$ipo[$n]]) {
+ $page = ipdb_cache_get($dbf, $page->{tab}[$ipo[$n]]);
+ ++$n;
+ next;
+ }
+ return undef if (!$page->{tab}[256]);
+ $page = ipdb_cache_get($dbf, $page->{tab}[256]);
+ }
+ foreach my $r (@{$page->{tab}}) {
+ if (($ipn & $r->[1]) == $r->[0]) {
+ # FIXME: check timestamp
+ return ( country => $r->[3],
+ network => inet_ntoa(pack('N', $r->[0])),
+ netmask => inet_ntoa(pack('N', $r->[1])) );
+ }
+ }
+ return undef if (!$page->{next});
+ $page = ipdb_cache_get($dbf, $page->{next});
+ }
+=head2 $res = B<Whoseip::DB::ipdb_insert(I<$dbf>, I<$cidr>, I<$country>);>
+Inserts into the database I<$cidr> and the corresponding country code I<$country>.
+Currently, I<$cidr> must be in the form B<I<Net-address>/I<Netmask-length>>.
+sub ipdb_insert($$$) {
+ my ($dbf, $cidr, $country) = @_;
+ my @ipo;
+ my $ipn;
+ my $masklen;
+ my $netmask;
+ my $nbits;
+ return 0 if ($dbf->{mode} eq '<');
+ if ($cidr =~ m#^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/(\d+)$#) {
+ @ipo = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
+ $ipn = ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + ($3 << 8) + $4;
+ $masklen = $5;
+ $netmask = (0xffffffff ^ (0xffffffff >> $masklen));
+ $nbits = 32;
+ } else {
+ # FIXME: error message
+ die "boo $cidr";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $n = int($masklen / 8);
+ my $page = ipdb_get_root_page($dbf, $nbits);
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
+ if ($page->{tab}[$ipo[$i]]) {
+ $page = ipdb_cache_get($dbf, $page->{tab}[$ipo[$i]]);
+ } else {
+ my $p = ipdb_alloc_page($dbf, IPDB_PAGE_INDEX);
+ $page->{tab}[$ipo[$i]] = $p->{off};
+ $page->{dirty} = 1;
+ $page = $p;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($page->{tab}[256]) {
+ $page = ipdb_cache_get($dbf, $page->{tab}[256]);
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: index page found where leaf was expected"
+ unless $page->{type} == IPDB_PAGE_LEAF;
+ } else {
+ my $p = ipdb_alloc_page($dbf, IPDB_PAGE_LEAF);
+ $page->{tab}[256] = $p->{off};
+ $page->{dirty} = 1;
+ $page = $p;
+ }
+ my $maxent = int(($dbf->{pagesize} - 12) / 14);
+ while ($#{$page->{tab}} == $maxent) {
+ if ($page->{next}) {
+ $page = ipdb_cache_get($dbf, $page->{next});
+ die "$dbf->{filename}: index page found where leaf was expected"
+ unless $page->{type} == IPDB_PAGE_LEAF;
+ } else {
+ my $p = ipdb_alloc_page($dbf, IPDB_PAGE_LEAF);
+ $page->{next} = $p->{off};
+ $page->{dirty} = 1;
+ $page = $p;
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$page->{tab}}, [ $ipn, $netmask, time(), $country ];
+ $page->{dirty} = 1;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/whoseip/whoseip.pl b/whoseip/whoseip.pl
index 0dffcf5..dc512df 100644
--- a/whoseip/whoseip.pl
+++ b/whoseip/whoseip.pl
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use Pod::Usage;
use Pod::Man;
use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
use Net::CIDR;
+use Whoseip::DB qw(:all);
use constant EX_OK => 0;
use constant EX_USAGE => 64; # command line usage error
@@ -40,6 +41,9 @@ my @ipv4list;
my $ipv4rx = '\d{1,3}((\.\d{1,3}){3})';
my $delim = $LF; # Output delimiter
+my $dbf;
+my $dbfile;
my %fmtab = (unix => '${status} $?{diag}{${diag}}{${country} ${cidr} ${range} ${count}}
cgi => 'Content-Type: text/xml
@@ -404,8 +408,20 @@ sub whois($$) {
sub serve {
my $term = shift;
my %res;
if ($term =~ /^${ipv4rx}$/) {
+ if (defined($dbf)) {
+ %res = ipdb_lookup($dbf, $term);
+ if (defined($res{country})) {
+ $res{status} = 'OK';
+ $res{cidr} = Net::CIDR::addrandmask2cidr($res{network},
+ $res{netmask});
+ $res{range} = join ',', Net::CIDR::cidr2range($res{cidr});
+ $res{count} = range2count($res{range});
+ return %res;
+ }
+ }
my $srv = findsrv($term);
if (defined($srv) and $srv ne 'UNKNOWN') {
while (%res = whois($term, $srv),
@@ -417,6 +433,11 @@ sub serve {
$res{diag} = 'IP unknown';
} else {
$res{status} = 'OK';
+ if (defined($dbf)) {
+ foreach my $cidr (split /,/, $res{cidr}) {
+ ipdb_insert($dbf, $cidr, $res{country});
+ }
+ }
} else {
$res{status} = 'NO';
@@ -627,9 +648,16 @@ GetOptions("h" => sub {
$output_format = read_format($_[1]);
- "fastcgi:s" => \$fastcgi
+ "fastcgi:s" => \$fastcgi,
+ "cache-file|c:s" => \$dbfile,
+ "no-cache|N" => sub { $dbfile = undef; }
) or exit(EX_USAGE);
+if (defined($dbfile)) {
+ $dbfile .= "whoseip.db" if (-d $dbfile);
+ $dbf = ipdb_open($dbfile);
if (defined($fastcgi)) {
if ($fastcgi eq '') {
$fastcgi = 1;
@@ -693,6 +721,11 @@ if ($fastcgi) {
+if (defined($dbf)) {
+ ipdb_close($dbf);
=head1 NAME

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