path: root/modinc
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Diffstat (limited to 'modinc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 641 deletions
diff --git a/modinc b/modinc
deleted file mode 100755
index 5b88051..0000000
--- a/modinc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# This file is part of GNU Dico
-# Copyright (C) 2014, 2016 Sergey Poznyakoff
-# GNU Dico is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Dico is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Dico. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-=head1 NAME
-modinc - Recreate Dico module autoconf structure
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Recreates F<configure.ac> and F<modules/Makefile.am> from stub files
-F<stub.ac> and F<modules/stub.am>. The list of modules is obtained
-from the contents of the F<modules> directory -- each subdirectory
-is supposed to contain one module.
-Additional F<configure.ac> code for each module is obtained from
-file F<module.ac> in each module directory. See the description of
-this file in section B<FILES>.
-When run with B<-a> (B<--add>, B<--new>) option, the program creates
-basic infrastructure for modules named in the command line. For each
-I<NAME> it creates directory F<modules/I<NAME>>. Withih that directory,
-it creates two files: F<Makefile.am> from F<modules/template.am>, and
-F<I<NAME>.c>, which contains a stub code for the module.
-The program must be run from the Dico source tree topmost directory.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<-a>, B<--add>, B<--new>
-Create basic infrastructure for modules named in the command line and
-add them to F<configure.ac> and F<modules/Makefile.am>
-=item B<-n>, B<--dry-run>
-Don't do anything, just print what would have been done.
-=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
-Increase output verbosity. Multiple options accumulate.
-The following options cause the program to display informative text and
-=over 4
-=item B<-h>
-Show a short usage summary.
-=item B<--help>
-Show man page.
-=item B<--usage>
-Show a concise command line syntax reminder.
-=head1 FILES
-The following files are used as templates to create output files. When
-creating output file, each line from the corresponding template is read,
-I<macro expansion> is performed, and the resulting string is written to the
-output file.
-During macro expansion, each occurrence of B<< <I<NAME>> >> is replaced with
-the contents of the macro variable I<NAME>, if it is defined. Expansion
-of undefined variables leaves the text as is.
-The construct B<< <I<NAME>#I<TEXT>> >> is expanded if it appears on a line
-alone, possibly preceded by any string of characters. It works similarly
-to B<< <I<NAME>> >>, except that if I<NAME> expands to multiple lines, the
-second and subsequent lines of expansion are prefixed with I<TEXT> on output.
-If I<TEXT> is empty, the content of the source line immediately preceding the
-construct is used instead. This makes it possible to use expansions after a
-comment character. E.g. if the variable B<HEADING> contains:
- This file is generated automatically.
- Please, do not edit.
- See the docs for more info.
-and the input file contains:
- dnl <HEADING#>
-Then, the resulting expansion will be:
- dnl This file is generated automatically.
- dnl Please, do not edit.
- dnl See the docs for more info.
-The macro variables are specific for each file, and are described below.
-For each file, a special comment sequence is defined. Lines beginning
-with that sequence are omitted from the output.
-=over 4
-=item F<stub.ac>
-Produces the F<configure.ac> file. Comment marker is B<##>.
-The following variables are defined:
-=over 8
-=item B<MODULES>
-B<Autoconf> code for each module, obtained from the F<module.ac>
-=item B<HEADING>
-Generates an initial header text, warning the reader that the file is
-generated automatically and informing him about the ways to recreate
-that file.
-A list of printable description for modules that can be disabled. Each
-module is represented with a line
- MODNAME ................ STATUS
-where MODNAME is the module name and STATUS is the module status variable
-(which produces B<yes> or B<no> at configure time, depending on whether
-the module is enabled or not).
-This is intended for use in B<AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS>.
-A list of assignments for module status variables, intended
-for use in B<AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS>.
-The following code illustrates the use of the latter two variables:
-=item F<modules/*/module.ac>
-This file is optional. If present, it contains the B<autoconf> code for
-that module, which is appended to the contents of the B<MODULES> variable
-used for creating F<configure.ac>.
-No macro substitutions are performed for that file.
-Comment marker is B<##>.
-The following comments starting with B<## module> are I<pragmatic> ones,
-and are treated specially:
-=over 8
-=item B<## module name: I<NAME>>
-Use I<NAME> as module name when creating variable names for that module. This
-is useful when the module name contains symbols that cannot be used in variable
-names (as in, e.g. B<dict.org>).
-=item B<## module description: I<TEXT>>
-Use I<TEXT> as module description in B<STATUS_OUTPUT> (see F<stub.ac>).
-=item B<## module category:>
-Reserved for future use.
-As well as other B<##> comments, these comments do not appear in the output.
-=item F<modules/stub.am>
-Produces the file F<modules/Makefile.am>. Comment marker is B<##>.
-Macro variables:
-=over 8
-=item B<HEADING>
-Same as in F<stub.ac>.
-=item B<MODULES>
-Produces B<Makefille.am> code for the B<SUBDIRS> variable.
-=item F<modules/template.c>
-This template is used when B<-a> (B<--add>, B<--new>) option is given.
-It produces the file F<modules/I<NAME>/I<NAME>.c>. Comment marker is B<//>.
-Macro variables:
-=over 8
-=item B<MODNAME>
-Expands to the name of the module.
-=item F<modules/template.am>
-This template is used when B<-a> (B<--add>, B<--new>) option is given.
-It produces the file F<modules/I<NAME>/Makefile.am>.
-Macro variables:
-=over 8
-=item B<MODNAME>
-Expands to the name of the module.
-=head1 EXIT CODES
-=over 4
-=item B<0>
-Successful termination.
-=item B<64>
-Command line usage error.
-=item B<66>
-Can't open input file.
-=item B<73>
-Can't create output file.
-=head1 BUGS
-Error handling can be made better.
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case);
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Pod::Man;
-use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
-use File::Basename;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use constant EX_OK => 0;
-use constant EX_USAGE => 64; # command line usage error
-use constant EX_DATAERR => 65; # data format error
-use constant EX_NOINPUT => 66; # cannot open input file
-use constant EX_SOFTWARE => 70; # internal software error (not used yet)
-use constant EX_CANTCREAT => 73; # can't create (user) output file
-my $progname = basename($0);
-my $progdescr = "Recreate Dico module autoconf structure";
-my $addmod;
-my $dry_run;
-my $verbose;
-my $autoconf = "module.ac";
-my $config_stub = "stub.ac";
-my $makefile_stub = "modules/stub.am";
-my $makefile = "modules/Makefile.am";
-my %outfile;
-my %categories; # not used now
-sub error {
- my $msg = shift;
- local %_ = @_;
- print STDERR "$progname: " if defined($progname);
- print STDERR "$_{prefix}: " if defined($_{prefix});
- print STDERR "$msg\n"
-sub abend {
- my $code = shift;
- print STDERR "$progname: " if defined($progname);
- print STDERR "@_\n";
- exit $code;
-my $status = 0;
-sub rewrite_configure_ac {
- my $ref = shift;
- my %vartab = (
- 'overwrite' => 1,
- 'tempfile' => 1,
- 'ignorecomm' => '##',
- 'HEADING' => "Do not edit. -*- mode: autoconf; buffer-read-only: t; -*- vi: set ro:\
-This file is created automatically from $config_stub.\
-To recreate, run $progname from the top of Dico source tree.
- 'MODULES' => sub {
- my $s;
- foreach my $name (sort keys %{$ref}) {
- my $h = $ref->{$name};
- $s .= "# Module $name\n";
- if (defined($h->{autoconf})) {
- open(my $afd, "<", $h->{autoconf})
- or abend(EX_NOINPUT,
- "can't open $h->{autoconf} for reading: $!");
- while (<$afd>) {
- next if /^##/;
- $s .= $_;
- }
- close $afd;
- }
- $s .= "\n";
- $s .= "DICO_TESTS($h->{dir})\n" if ($h->{tests});
- $s .= "AC_CONFIG_FILES([$h->{dir}/Makefile])\n";
- $s .= "\n# End of module $name\n\n";
- }
- return $s;
- },
- 'STATUS_OUTPUT' => sub {
- return join "\n",
- map {
- my $n;
- if (defined($ref->{$_}{descr})) {
- $n = $ref->{$_}{descr};
- } else {
- $n = $_;
- $n =~ s/\b(\w)/\U$1/g;
- }
- my $l = 34 - length($n) - 2;
- "$n " .
- (($l > 0) ? '.' x $l : '') .
- " \$status_$ref->{$_}{modname}";
- }
- grep { $ref->{$_}{status} }
- sort keys %{$ref};
- },
- 'STATUS_DEFN' => sub {
- return join "\n",
- map { "status_$ref->{$_}{modname}=\$status_$ref->{$_}{modname}" }
- grep { defined($ref->{$_}{status}) }
- sort keys %{$ref};
- }
- );
- make_file($config_stub, "configure.ac", \%vartab);
-sub rewrite_makefile {
- my $ref = shift;
- my %vartab = (
- 'overwrite' => 1,
- 'tempfile' => 1,
- 'ignorecomm' => '##',
- 'HEADING' => "Do not edit. -*- buffer-read-only: t; -*- vi: set ro:\
-This file is created automatically from $makefile_stub.\
-To recreate, run $progname from the top of Dico source tree.
- 'MODULES' => sub {
- my $s;
- foreach my $am (map { $ref->{$_}{am} }
- grep { defined($ref->{$_}{am}) }
- sort keys %{$ref}) {
- $s .= "$am\n";
- }
- $s .= "SUBDIRS=";
- foreach my $dir (map { $ref->{$_}{SUBDIRS} } sort keys %{$ref}) {
- $s .= "\\\n $dir";
- }
- $s .= "\n";
- return $s;
- }
- );
- make_file($makefile_stub, $makefile, \%vartab);
-sub add_module {
- my ($name,$ref) = @_;
- my $dir = "modules/$name";
- error("adding module $name", prefix=>'DEBUG') if ($verbose);
- my $acname = uc($name);
- $ref->{$name}{dir} = $dir;
- $ref->{$name}{SUBDIRS} = $name;
- $ref->{$name}{modname} = $name;
- if (-r "$dir/$autoconf") {
- $ref->{$name}{autoconf} = "$dir/$autoconf";
- open(my $fd, "<", "$dir/$autoconf")
- or abend(EX_NOINPUT,
- "can't open $dir/$autoconf for reading: $!");
- while (<$fd>) {
- chomp;
- s/\s+$//;
- if (/^##\s*module\s+name\s*:\s*([^\s]+).*$/) {
- $ref->{$name}{modname} = $1;
- } elsif (/^##\s*module\s+description\s*:\s*(.+).*$/) {
- $ref->{$name}{descr} = $1;
- } elsif (/^##\s*module\s+category\s*:\s*(.+).*$/) {
- $ref->{$name}{category} = $1;
- $categories{$1}++;
- }
- s/#.*//;
- next if ($_ eq "");
- if (/AM_CONDITIONAL\s*\(\s*\[${acname}_COND\]/) {
- $ref->{$name}{am} = <<EOT;
-if ${acname}_COND
- ${acname}_DIR=$name
- $ref->{$name}{SUBDIRS} = "\$(${acname}_DIR)";
- }
- $ref->{$name}{status} = 1
- if (!$ref->{$name}{status} and /status_$ref->{$name}{modname}=/);
- }
- close $fd;
- }
- $ref->{$name}{tests} = (-d "$dir/tests"
- and -f "$dir/tests/Makefile.am"
- and -f "$dir/tests/testsuite.at");
- if (-f "$dir/Makefile.am") {
- open(my $fd, "<", "$dir/Makefile.am")
- or abend(EX_NOINPUT,
- "can't open $dir/$autoconf for reading: $!");
- my %checks = ('mod' => "mod_LTLIBRARIES does not contain $ref->{$name}{modname}.la",
- 'SOURCES' => "$ref->{$name}{modname}_la_SOURCES not defined");
- while (<$fd>) {
- chomp;
- s/\s+$//;
- s/#.*//;
- next if ($_ eq "");
- if (/mod_LTLIBRARIES\s*=\s*$ref->{$name}{modname}.la/) {
- delete $checks{mod};
- } elsif (/$ref->{$name}{modname}_la_SOURCES\s*=/) {
- delete $checks{SOURCES};
- }
- }
- close $fd;
- if (keys(%checks)) {
- while (my ($k,$v) = each %checks) {
- error("$dir/Makefile.am: $v");
- }
- $status = EX_DATAERR;
- return;
- }
- }
- if ($verbose>1) {
- print STDERR "module $name:\n";
- print STDERR Dumper($ref->{$name});
- }
-sub replace_macro {
- my $name = shift;
- my $ref = shift;
- my $s;
- if (defined($ref->{$name})) {
- if (ref($ref->{$name}) eq 'CODE') {
- $s = &{$ref->{$name}};
- } else {
- $s = $ref->{$name};
- }
- } else {
- $s = "<$name>";
- }
- return $s;
-sub make_file {
- my $infile = shift;
- my $ofile = shift;
- my $ref = shift;
- error("creating $ofile from $infile", prefix => 'DEBUG') if ($verbose);
- return if $dry_run;
- if (!$ref->{overwrite} and -e $ofile) {
- error("$ofile already exists", prefix => 'warning');
- } else {
- open(my $ifd, "<", $infile)
- or abend(EX_DATAERR, "can't open $infile for reading: $!");
- my $ofd;
- if (defined($ref->{tempfile})) {
- my $tempname;
- ($ofd, $tempname) = tempfile(DIR => dirname($infile))
- or abend(EX_CANTCREAT,
- "can't open temporary file for creating $ofile: $!");
- $outfile{$tempname} = $ofile;
- } else {
- open($ofd, ">", $ofile)
- or abend(EX_CANTCREAT, "can't open $ofile for writing: $!");
- }
- while (<$ifd>) {
- next if (defined($ref->{ignorecomm}) and /^$ref->{ignorecomm}/);
- if (/^(.*)<([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)#([^>]*)>\s*$/) {
- my $pfx = $3 || $1;
- $_ = $1 . replace_macro($2, $ref);
- chomp;
- s/\n/\n$pfx/g;
- $_ .= "\n";
- } else {
- s/<([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)>/replace_macro($1, $ref)/gex;
- }
- print $ofd $_;
- }
- close($ifd);
- close($ofd);
- }
-sub create_module {
- my $name = shift;
- my $dir = "modules/$name";
- if (-d $dir) {
- error("$dir already exists", prefix => 'warning');
- } else {
- error("creating $dir", prefix => 'DEBUG') if ($verbose);
- mkdir($dir) unless $dry_run;
- }
- make_file("modules/template.am", "$dir/Makefile.am",
- { ignorecomm => '##',
- MODNAME => $name });
- make_file("modules/template.c", "$dir/${name}.c",
- { ignorecomm => '//',
- MODNAME => $name });
-sub cleanup {
- foreach my $f (keys %outfile) {
- unlink $f if (-e $f);
- }
-END {
- cleanup;
-$SIG{HUP} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{TERM} = \&cleanup;
-GetOptions("h" => sub {
- pod2usage(-message => "$progname: $progdescr",
- -exitstatus => 0);
- },
- "help" => sub {
- pod2usage(-exitstatus => EX_OK, -verbose => 2);
- },
- "usage" => sub {
- pod2usage(-exitstatus => EX_OK, -verbose => 0);
- },
- "add|new|a" => \$addmod,
- "dry-run|n" => \$dry_run,
- "verbose|v+" => \$verbose,
-) or exit(EX_USAGE);
-abend(EX_USAGE, "must run from the Dico source tree topmost directory")
- unless (-d "modules");
-++$verbose if $dry_run;
-if ($addmod) {
- abend(EX_USAGE, "not enough arguments") unless ($#ARGV >= 0);
- foreach my $mod (@ARGV) {
- create_module($mod);
- }
-} elsif ($#ARGV >= 0) {
- abend(EX_USAGE, "too many arguments; did you mean --new?");
-my %modtab;
-my @modnames = map { s#modules/##; $_; } grep { -d $_; } glob "modules/*";
-foreach my $m (@modnames) {
- add_module($m, \%modtab);
-if ($status == 0 and !$dry_run) {
- while (my ($from, $to) = each %outfile) {
- rename $from, $to
- or abend(EX_CANTCREAT, "can't rename $from to $to: $!");
- }

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