diff options
authorWojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>2004-10-09 11:50:42 +0000
committerWojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>2004-10-09 11:50:42 +0000
commit228298be889b5b9e5cd981fff1bb1fa3df54521d (patch)
Initial revision
2 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a1ea6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+$site = 'http://your.site.name';
+$weblogdir = 'blogright';
+$imagedir = 'blogright/graphics';
+$photodir = 'blogright/photos';
+$suffix = '.html'; // entries' file extension
+$recent = 'month'; // number of entries shown by default
+$sortby = 'name'; // sort by: 'name', 'timestamp'
+$sortorder = 'desc'; // sorting order: 'asc', 'desc'
+$orderfile = '.order'; // [optional] order file name
+$header_file = 'templates/header.html';
+$footer_file = 'templates/footer.html';
+$rssTitle = "RSS Title";
+$rssDescription = "Some descriptive title";
+$rssCopyright = "Your Name";
+$rssEditor = "Editor Name";
+$rssLanguage = "qu"; // Two-letter language code as per ISO 639
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..910fa25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// blogRight! version 1.3
+// Copyright (C) 2004 Wojciech Polak.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+require 'config.php';
+$start_time = microtime ();
+if (isset ($_REQUEST['q']))
+ $q = $_REQUEST['q'];
+ $result = array ();
+ ereg ('([0-9]{4})?[-/]?([0-1][0-9])?[-/]?([0-3][0-9])?', $q, $result);
+ if (isset ($result[1]) && $result[1] != '')
+ {
+ $search_y = $result[1];
+ if (isset ($result[2]) && $result[2] != '')
+ $search_m = $result[2] <= 12 ? $result[2] > 0 ? $result[2] : 1 : 12;
+ if (isset ($result[3]) && $result[3] != '')
+ $search_d = $result[3] <= 31 ? $result[3] > 0 ? $result[3] : 1 : 31;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (eregi ('^all$', $q))
+ unset ($recent);
+ }
+if (isset ($datadir) && $datadir != '')
+ $cwd = $datadir;
+ $datadir = '';
+ $cwd = getcwd ();
+if (file_exists ($datadir.$orderfile))
+ $lines = file ($datadir.$orderfile);
+ foreach ($lines as $line)
+ $searchdirs[] = chop ($line);
+ $searchdirs = array_unique ($searchdirs);
+else if (isset ($search_y))
+ $searchdirs[] = $search_y;
+else // scan the directory
+ if (!($dp = opendir ($cwd)))
+ die ("Can't open the data directory.");
+ while ($name = readdir ($dp))
+ {
+ if (is_numeric ($name))
+ $searchdirs[] = $name;
+ }
+ closedir ($dp);
+ sort ($searchdirs);
+ if ($sortorder == 'desc')
+ $searchdirs = array_reverse ($searchdirs);
+$include_files = array ();
+foreach ($searchdirs as $dir)
+ $path = $datadir.$dir;
+ $dirlist = array ();
+ // ignore hidden files/dirs.
+ if ($dir[0] != '.' && $dir[0] != '' && is_dir ($path))
+ {
+ if (file_exists ($path.'/'.$orderfile))
+ {
+ $lines = file ($path.'/'.$orderfile);
+ foreach ($lines as $line)
+ $dirlist[] = $path.'/'.chop ($line);
+ }
+ else // scan the directory
+ {
+ if (!($dp = opendir ($path)))
+ die ("Can't open the data subdirectory.");
+ else
+ {
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($name = readdir ($dp))
+ {
+ if ($name[0] != '.' && $name != 'index.html')
+ {
+ $dirlist[filemtime ($path.'/'.$name) . $i] = $path.'/'.$name;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir ($dp);
+ if ($sortby == "timestamp")
+ ksort ($dirlist);
+ else // sort by name
+ sort ($dirlist);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($sortorder == 'desc' && !isset ($search_y))
+ $dirlist = array_reverse ($dirlist);
+ $include_files = array_merge ($include_files, $dirlist);
+ }
+$cur_y = date ('Y');
+$cur_m = date ('m');
+function cmonth ($var)
+ global $cur_y, $cur_m, $suffix;
+ if (ereg ("$cur_y/$cur_m-.*$suffix\$", $var))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+// show only N recent entries or current month
+if (!isset ($search_y) && isset ($recent))
+ if (is_numeric ($recent))
+ {
+ $include_files = array_slice ($include_files, 0, $recent);
+ }
+ else if ($recent == 'month')
+ {
+ $month_files = array_filter ($include_files, 'cmonth');
+ while (!count ($month_files))
+ {
+ $cur_m = sprintf ('%02d', $cur_m - 1);
+ if ($cur_m == '00')
+ {
+ $cur_m = 12;
+ $cur_y -= 1;
+ if ($cur_y < 1983) // set your minimal value ;)
+ break; // fatal error; anti-loop protection
+ }
+ $month_files = array_filter ($include_files, 'cmonth');
+ }
+ $include_files = $month_files;
+ }
+if (isset ($RSS) || isset ($_REQUEST['rss']))
+ global $site, $rssTitle, $rssDescription;
+ global $rssCopyright, $rssLanguage, $rssEditor;
+ $pubDate = date ("D, d M Y H:i:s O", filemtime ($include_files[0]));
+ print '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n";
+ print '<rss version="2.0">'."\n";
+ print " <channel>\n";
+ print " <title>$rssTitle</title>\n";
+ print " <description>$rssDescription</description>\n";
+ print " <link>$site/$weblogdir/</link>\n";
+ print " <copyright>$rssCopyright</copyright>\n";
+ print " <language>$rssLanguage</language>\n";
+ print " <pubDate>$pubDate</pubDate>\n";
+ print " <docs>http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss</docs>\n";
+ print " <generator>blogRight!</generator>\n";
+ print " <managingEditor>$rssEditor</managingEditor>\n";
+ foreach ($include_files as $inc)
+ {
+ if (ereg (".*$suffix\$", basename ($inc)))
+ {
+ $cdd = basename (dirname ($inc)); // current data dir
+ if (is_numeric ($cdd))
+ {
+ ereg ('^(.*)-(.*)\.', basename ($inc), $res);
+ $year = $cdd; // let's assume that...
+ if (isset ($res[1]) && isset ($res[2]))
+ {
+ $month = $res[1];
+ $day = $res[2];
+ }
+ $fmtime = mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
+ }
+ else {
+ $fmtime = filemtime ($inc);
+ }
+ $pubDate = date ("D, d M Y H:i:s O", $fmtime);
+ $itemTitle = date ('d M Y', $fmtime);
+ $permaLink = date ('Ymd', $fmtime);
+ print " <item>\n";
+ print " <title>$itemTitle</title>\n";
+ print " <link>$site/$weblogdir/?q=$permaLink</link>\n";
+ print " <description>\n";
+ indent_include (9, $inc);
+ print " </description>\n";
+ print " <guid isPermaLink=\"true\">$site/$weblogdir/?q=$permaLink</guid>\n";
+ print " <pubDate>$pubDate</pubDate>\n";
+ print " </item>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print " </channel>\n";
+ print '</rss>'."\n";
+else // HTML
+ @include ($datadir.$header_file);
+ foreach ($include_files as $inc)
+ {
+ // the query engine...
+ if (isset ($search_m))
+ {
+ if (isset ($search_d))
+ {
+ if (ereg ("^$search_m-$search_d.*$suffix\$", basename ($inc)))
+ include_file ($inc);
+ }
+ else
+ if (ereg ("^$search_m-.*$suffix\$", basename ($inc)))
+ include_file ($inc);
+ }
+ else
+ if (ereg (".*$suffix\$", basename ($inc)))
+ include_file ($inc);
+ }
+ @include ($datadir.$footer_file);
+ $duration = microtime_diff ($start_time, microtime ());
+ $duration = sprintf ("%0.6f", $duration);
+ print "\n<!-- processing took $duration seconds -->";
+ print "\n<!-- powered by blogRight! -->\n";
+$footnotes = array(); // Array of footnote texts. Indexed by $local_fn
+$local_fn = 0; // Local (within the entry) number of the next footnote.
+$global_fn = 0; // Global number of the next footnote. This is unique
+ // within a html page and is used for creating unique
+ // anchors.
+// Return full url of the script
+function script_url()
+ global $site,$weblogdir;
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['q']))
+ return $site.'/'.$weblogdir.'?q='.$_REQUEST['q'];
+ return $site.'/'.$weblogdir.'/';
+// Save away the collected footnote text and replace it by an appropriate
+// link.
+function footnote_handler ($matches)
+ global $site,$global_fn,$local_fn,$footnotes;
+ $footnotes[$local_fn++] = $matches[1];
+ $global_fn++;
+ return '<a href="'.script_url().'#footnote'.$global_fn.'" name="FNRET'.$global_fn.'"><sup>'.$local_fn.')</sup></a> ';
+// Process a single input line from the file being included.
+// Returns processed line, if it is ready for output. Otherwise,
+// tucks the line to the global variable $collect and returns false.
+// Make sure you unset $collect before the *first* invocation of process_line()
+// for the given input file.
+function process_line ($line)
+ global $site, $photodir, $imagedir, $search_d;
+ global $local_fn, $global_fn, $footnotes;
+ global $collect;
+ if (isset($collect))
+ {
+ $collect = $collect . ' ' . rtrim ($line);
+ if (!preg_match('^</footnote>^', $line))
+ return false;
+ $line = $collect . "\n";
+ unset($GLOBALS['collect']);
+ }
+ $line = preg_replace_callback('^<footnote>(.*)</footnote>^',
+ "footnote_handler",
+ $line);
+ if (preg_match ('^<footnote>^', $line))
+ {
+ $collect = rtrim ($line);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!preg_match ('/="(https?|ftp|mailto):\/\/.*?"/i', $line))
+ // is a local path
+ {
+ $line = preg_replace ('/<img src="(.*?)"(.*?)>/i',
+ '<img src="'.$site.'/'.$imagedir.'/$1" border="0" alt="[image]"$2>',
+ $line);
+ $line = preg_replace ('/<photo src="(.*?)"(.*?)>/i',
+ '<a href="'.$photodir.'/photo.php?q=$1"><span class="photo"><img src="'
+ .$site.'/'.$photodir.'/small/small-$1" alt="[photo]"$2></span></a>',
+ $line);
+ $line = preg_replace ('/<a href="(.*?)">/i', '<a href="'.$site.'/$1">', $line);
+ }
+ return $line;
+// Process the footnotes collected for the entry.
+// Arguments:
+// $out - name of the output function. The function must be
+// declared as 'function foo($data, $string). It is passed $data closure
+// and the $string to be output.
+// $data - Any function-specific data $out may need.
+function process_footnotes ($out, $data)
+ global $local_fn, $global_fn, $footnotes;
+ if ($local_fn > 0)
+ {
+ $out ($data, '<div class="footnote">');
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $local_fn; $i++)
+ {
+ $n = $global_fn-$local_fn+$i+1;
+ $out ($data, '<p><a href="'.script_url().'#FNRET'.$n.'" name="footnote'.$n.'"><sup>'.($i+1).')</sup></a> ');
+ $out ($data, $footnotes[$i]);
+ $out ($data, '</p>');
+ }
+ $out ($data, '</div>');
+ }
+// Simple printer (alias for print, to be used with process_footnotes)
+function printer ($data, $string)
+ print ($string);
+// HTML output
+function include_file ($file)
+ global $site, $photodir, $imagedir, $search_d;
+ global $local_fn;
+ $res = array ();
+ $cdd = basename (dirname ($file)); // current data dir
+ $local_fn = 0;
+ if (is_numeric ($cdd))
+ {
+ ereg ('^(.*)-(.*)\.', basename ($file), $res);
+ $year = $cdd; // assume that...
+ if (isset ($res[1]) && isset ($res[2]))
+ {
+ $month = $res[1];
+ $day = $res[2];
+ }
+ $entryDate = mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
+ $permaLink = date ('Ymd', $entryDate);
+ $entryDate = date ('d M Y', $entryDate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $permaLink = date ('Ymd', filemtime ($file));
+ $entryDate = date ('d M Y', filemtime ($file));
+ }
+ $fd = file ($file);
+ if ($fd)
+ {
+ print '<p><div class="entryTitle">'.$entryDate;
+ if (!isset ($search_d))
+ print ' (<a href="?q='.$permaLink.'">permalink</a>)';
+ print '</div>'."\n";
+ print '<div class="entryBody">'."\n";
+ unset($GLOBALS['collect']);
+ foreach ($fd as $line)
+ {
+ $line = process_line($line);
+ if ($line)
+ print ($line);
+ }
+ process_footnotes ('printer', 0);
+ print '</div>'."\n\n";
+ }
+function printer_html ($level, $string)
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++)
+ print ' ';
+ print (htmlentities ($string) . "\n");
+// RSS 2.0 output
+function indent_include ($level, $file)
+ global $site, $imagedir, $photodir, $weblogdir;
+ global $local_fn;
+ $cdd = basename (dirname ($file)); // current data dir
+ $local_fn = 0;
+ $fd = file ($file);
+ if ($fd)
+ {
+ unset($GLOBALS['collect']);
+ foreach ($fd as $line)
+ {
+ $line = process_line($line);
+ if ($line)
+ {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++)
+ print ' ';
+ print (htmlentities ($line));
+ }
+ }
+ process_footnotes ('printer_html', $level);
+ }
+function microtime_diff ($a, $b)
+ list ($a_dec, $a_sec) = explode (' ', $a);
+ list ($b_dec, $b_sec) = explode (' ', $b);
+ return $b_sec - $a_sec + $b_dec - $a_dec;

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