# -*- perl -*- use lib qw(t lib); use strict; use Test; plan test => 1; use TestPreproc; my $obj = new TestPreproc -expand => [qw(locus include)]; ok($obj->dump_reformat_synclines,$obj->dump_expect); __DATA__ !>httpd.conf # Start of file ServerRoot "$server_root" ServerAdmin foo@example.net Include vhost1.conf Include vhost2.conf PidFile logs/httpd.pid !>vhost1.conf ServerName foo DocumentRoot a !>vhost2.conf ServerName bar DocumentRoot b != # $server_root/httpd.conf:1 # Start of file # $server_root/httpd.conf:2 ServerRoot "$server_root" # $server_root/httpd.conf:3 ServerAdmin foo@example.net # $server_root/vhost1.conf:1-4 # $server_root/vhost1.conf:2 ServerName foo # $server_root/vhost1.conf:3 DocumentRoot a # $server_root/vhost2.conf:1-4 # $server_root/vhost2.conf:2 ServerName bar # $server_root/vhost2.conf:3 DocumentRoot b # $server_root/httpd.conf:6 PidFile logs/httpd.pid !$